with Tim Doody

2 Thursdays/ month

New York Live Arts
219 W. 19th Street
New York, NY


All ages. All shapes. All sizes. All genders. All abilities.
No one turned away for lack of funds - reach out for support.
Elevator for accessibility.

$25 cash or Venmo at the door
Pre-register at EVENTBRITE by tapping a date below
($25 includes Eventbrite’s processing fee)

Thursday, April 3 - 7:00-9:00pm

Thursday, April 17 - 7:00-9:00pm

Thursday, May 22 - 7:00-9:00pm

And here’s the Eventbrite link to my schedule.


$20 cash or Venmo at the door
Pre-register at EVENTBRITE by tapping a date below
($20 includes Eventbrite’s processing fee)

How We Come Together

Barefoot or minimal footwear - no street shoes on the dance floor.
Listen to your body - follow the Rhythms at your own pace.
Keep your eyes (mostly) open.
Keep your feet (mostly) on the ground.
Respect your own boundaries and the boundaries of others.
If you accidentally bump into someone,
please find a way to acknowledge it.
No experience necessary - just come as you are!
And pack water.


About 5Rhythms

“Energy moves in Waves. Waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms.
A human being is just that—energy, waves, patterns, rhythms. Nothing more. Nothing less. A dance.”
–Gabrielle Roth

Created by Gabrielle Roth and practiced by tens of thousands worldwide, 5Rhythms® is a philosophy, perspective, performance art and a dynamic movement practice rooted in the principle that if you put the psyche in motion it will heal itself.

Movement is both the medicine and the metaphor, reaching across all languages, cultures and age groups to transform suffering into art, art into awareness, and awareness into action.

Wherever the 5Rhythms are practiced, a community is born to dance, to sweat, to change, to support, and to provide a safe space for each of us to shatter the ego’s hold and awaken the juicy, unpredictable, fascinating, edge-walking, rock star part of ourselves that yearns to be free. 

Creativity. Connection. Community.

Sessions Conducted By
Tim Doody
a certified 5Rhythms teacher and member of the 5Rhythms Teacher Association

We move through Waves, where the music moves you and your body is the teacher. The music goes from  really chill to full-on and back down again - as do the Rhythms.

I’ve traveled a crooked path to the practice of 5Rhythms. Nightline once put me on a list of "particularly troublesome, even dangerous, anarchists." And I published a bunch of stories, including "The Heretic", which popularized microdosing. But way before any of that, I came of age as a queer Mormon kid with ADHD. Good luck, right?

Dancing 5Rhythms teaches me to move with what's really happening - to move to it and through it. To shake it out until my second guesses give way to flow, and my ego can’t keep up. Truth comes out. I move from the ground I know into the epic possibilities beyond it. I cycle back. I find my fierceness. I face -- or at least peek at -- my fears.

I might walk in to a session feeling shut down by doubts and past hurts. But the music comes on, the dancing maniacs around me stir, and, sure enough, I always get there too.

Shamanic rituals involving movement and music have been the backbone of so many tribes across the planet and the ages. And it’s no wonder. “Put your body in motion,” Gabrielle Roth said, “and the psyche will heal itself.” I hope to keep healing. And I hope to co-create beat-driven, kinetic rituals where dancers heal too, and shake out their deepest truth.

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 and a newsletter from
(sign-up is below)
